Me and my Buddy

My travel bug started growing in 2017. I got the idea to go on a backpacking trip through south east Asia. After finishing this trip trough Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand and Laos for about 4 months I went back to Europe to travel another 6 weeks.

My travelling is done. Atleast this is what I thought. Getting back to work after this trip was bringing me back on the road. Working as a field service engineer with industrial equipment brought me to a lot of other places in the world.

Being back to the regular life it made me realize I like travelling on my own way more. This is how the idea started to go travelling again. First of an idea to go with my motorbike. But after a while this plan changed to going with my beetle.

I bought my beetle back in 2012. This beetle was standing at a workshop, abandoned and overgrown with grass. I’ve driven this beetle for 5 years without that many problems. In beginning 2018 I started a full restauration on my beetle.

After quitting my job from the beginning of October 2019 the real preparation started. I already figured out what spare parts I would take, what changes I wanted to make on the car and what kind of equipment I would need. I just took a month or so to get everything ready.

14 November 2019 The big day. Lets go to Indonesia.